Foot Reflexology Massage

The Foot Reflexology Massage affects the well-being and health of the person. It has the ability to re-balance the entire organism in order to stimulate the self-healing capacity of the body, therefore of the immune system. Foot Reflexology can have a double application: it can be used as an alternative or as a support to conventional medical therapies.


Nutrition is a fundamental aspect not only in terms of prevention, but it can be very useful in helping to reduce inflammation or other minor health’s problems. A healthy diet is one that provides, on a daily basis, the required macro- and micro-nutrients that a person needs. Together with other therapies, techniques, or practices, it is possible to keep a healthy body and mind through a person’s life.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can be useful in a variety of situations: chronic pain affects many people. In these situations the massage therapy is a safe and effective option to decrease the pain sensation and allow the person to return to a normal, painless, life.

Other massage techniques allow to treat common problems such as, for example, muscle contractures (sports and / or myofascial massage), to gain greater joint mobility (sports massage, but assisted by targeted stretching exercises), and reduce depression.

Manual lymphatic drainage can help prevent colds, flu, and other illnesses typical of the fall and winter season. The manual lymphatic drainage maneuvers act on the lymphatic pathways by stimulating the lymph glands (or lymph nodes). This stimulation improves the local immunity of the tissues, and consequently the general one.

Natural Hygiene Techniques

Natural Hygiene aims to take care of the natural conditions of a person to maintain health or to regain it. Toxemia, which is the relief of substances in the blood at concentrations that are toxic to the body, creates a condition of blocking the elimination of waste in the body, which then begins to accumulate, hindering the body’s functions. In the holistic approach of healing a person, the natural hygiene techniques can provide a great support.

Personal Training

In order to improve a person’s state of health or physical fitness, it is necessary to practice adequate physical activity with training programs aimed at a specific purpose, and that take into account the physiological needs and of a person. Also, when performing physical exercise, it is essential to reduce the risk of injuries; to avoid this, a properly trained professional figure is needed. The Personal Trainer can provide the necessary coaching in achieving a specific personal, professional or sporting goal.

Therapeutic Pilates

Therapeutic Pilates is an active approach that can be applied on a daily basis and that strengthens the entire body. This method improves strength, flexibility, mobility, balance and coordination, as well as spinal alignment. It also strengthens core muscles and helps improve and maintain good posture. It is suitable to everybody and is an efficient complement to treatments for lower back pains, tendinitis, and joint paint. Therapeutic Pilates helps to regain a good health and, most importantly, to maintain it.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are a wonderful gift from nature. They represent the purest, most concentrated and active part of plants: they are the essence of the plant kingdom. Perfumes accompany us throughout our life; to them we associate memories that never fade from our memory. Perfumes are able to make us relive an experience decades later. Essential oils can meet the most diverse needs, and the choice is very wide.

Sport Nutrition

The scientific knowledge in the field of sports nutrition is rapidly expanding and increasingly providing science-based and situation-specific recommendations. There was once the belief that if a small amount of any nutrient is good, then more must be better. On the contrary, recent evidence suggests that excessive intakes of substances may increase acute and chronic disease risks. For example, the heavy consumption of protein, long believed to be the “magic” ingredient in any athlete’s diet, is now put into proper perspective. Through sport nutrition, it is today possible to define recommendations that are specific to the sport, age, gender, ability, and conditioned capacity of the athlete.

Studio location

The studio is located in

via Monte Boglia 20, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland

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Always available for any information about services or products that you might need

+41 (0)79 286 8314